Become a  volunteer

Become a part of the team behind Bits & Pretzels.

Meet and learn from professionals, creators, and visionaries. If you have passion for starting your own business and want to expand your network, apply now!

Why should you join?

1. Look behind the scenes of Bits & Pretzels.

2. Your chance to attend the event cost-neutral.

3. Become part of our vivid Volunteer Community, who comes together also before and after the events.

4. Your chance to make new friends, to land your next job, to meet your co-founder (our volunteers can tell you about many such personal experiences that helped them in their individual growth).

Apply as a Volunteer

Your Tasks

You can contribute your strengths and skills. Don't worry, you don't need any previous
experience for most jobs and you'll learn everything you need for the job in our briefings.



Session Scanning





Explore our FAQ section for insights on the startup exhibition. From registration  to promotion details, find all the essential information you need right here.

How will I be employed?
What requirements do I have to meet to become a volunteer?
Do I get full access to the Bits & Pretzels event?
Do you cover cost of travel and accommodation?